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Download apk Android Applications to PC directly
As Play Store dosen't allow users to download any application directly to the PC . Or, we can say its compulsory to use Google Play app on mobile to download applications to Mobile. So, to bypass this here is a simple site by which you can directly download any apk to PC an later transfer it to mobile.
- Go to the site [ http://apps.evozi.com/apk-downloader/ ] .
- Now Go to Play Store [ https://play.google.com ] and find the application you want to download .
Download Apk file directly without play store |
- Now find the Package name of the application by watching its url . It would be something like this [ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details ?id=com.themonsterit.EngineerStarter&hl=en ] and after ?id= [ com.themonsterit.EngineerStarter ] is the package name of the application.
- Now copy and paste the package name and press "Generate Download Link" and wait for a few seconds while the sever fetches the application installer.
Apk FIle Downloaded to server |
- Now after few seconds you will get the download link for the application installer file.