Wednesday, September 25, 2013

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Microsoft Interview Questions 2013 [Set 1]

Microsoft Interview Questions 2013
Don't think a company like MICROSOFT needs and introduction. As almost every individual using a personal computer is aware of the name MICROSOFT. SO, if you are a fresher and  thinking to make your carrier in a big firm, you must go through these few questions.

  These questions were asked by Microsoft during recruitment 2013.

Some WRITTEN test questions.
  • Swap the even and odd bits of a number.
  • Given a linked list containing 0s,1s,2s . Sort it
  • Convert a tree to doubly linked list.
  • Given a string, replace all spaces with ‘%20′ .
  • Given two sorted arrays A and B. A has space large enough to accommodate B. Merge B into A.
Some Interview related questions.
  • Given a matrix, find whether any element exists that is present in every row.
  • Given a binary tree, An extra pointer is available for every node. Form linked list of nodes at each level, the extra pointer of the last node in a level should point to null.
  • Given a linked list, find nth last node.
  • Given a no. , find the next largest no. with same count of 1 bits and 0 bits.
  • Draw the switchboard ( interface ) for a lift. ( Just drawing NO designing )
  • Shuffle a pack of cards.
  • Improve malloc() to implement garbage collection in C.