Friday, January 24, 2014

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How to make Passwords more Secure

Hackers are going smart and they easily can guess your password using number of Brute Force tools available.Every now and then ,we see hackers hacking into most secure databases and exposing huge databases compromising security of millions of people online. .Common incident recently, Snapchat database was hacked and the details of millions of users were exposed. Hackers most often do such activities to show their existence or just for fun. This fun, however can be controlled upto a certain level using smart techniques.

Avoid Passwords that can be easily guessed

People generally use passwords that they can recognize easily like their Mobile No, Account No, Date of Birth etc. and this becomes the main issue which allows hackers to remotely hack into your systems. An interesting fact about hackers entering the remote systems is that the user does not feel comfortable with complex passwords like "avwd54@!#cd" and ends up choosing a poor password.

You can also check your password strength using online tool #howsecureismypassword .Don't worry this is a well ranked site and is not stealing your password but many sites do. So,keep this in mind also.
password security 2014
Securing Passwords security 2014

Choose Random Passwords and Use different Passwords for Different Accounts

There are thousands of ways for choosing complex passwords.Still,hackers access other systems by guessing or stealing the password.Guessing a password is a result of poor password choice whereas stealing the passwords is a completely a different game altogether.Here is a list made by "Splash data team" for the most worst passwords used by people that are hacked in less than few seconds. Hackers use different dictionary attacks to perform the exploit which tries to match your user_id with a dictionary word again and again until match get found.

Always use different passwords for different accounts.Many people use this trick to fool hackers but they don't know whom with are they dealing with.Hackers,mostly have a great knowledge of what they use.They gain expertise as time passes by.
Example --
Suppose your password is ankit@!#fb,then don't choose your Gmail password as ankit@!#gmail as it would be like killing two birds with a single stone. So,always be different and unique. 

Splash Data Analysis for Poor Passwords 2014
Splash Data Analysis for Poor Passwords 2014

Are you Still Safe ?

Even Facebook and Google have been hacked for many services that they offer.Not their database, but enough to make these Internet Giants busy. You might choose complex unique passwords but there are many other things that influence your security.For instance,sometimes there is a fault in the operating system system files which may lure hacker to compromise the system. You never know what's coming your way.

TIPS to secure your current Password

  • Use passwords that can't be guessed easily . [ Avoid using Mobile No's,Your Name, Date of Birth, Place nearby you etc]
  • Use combination of Small Alphabets, Capital Alphabets,Letters and Special Characters. [ Ex: @ankit!462 is a better password than ankit462 ].
  • Never use words present in dictionary. [Believe me even the longest word as password from dictionary can be cracked within 5 minutes or less ]
  • Don't use common passwords for all your online accounts. [ You can use password Manager softwares if you can't remember passwords ].
  • Don't use pattern based different passwords. [ Eg @ankit#/facebook and @ankit/#gmail can be guessed by hackers ].
All above methods will make you safe and secure.There are many browser add-ons available which you can search for to store passwords safely for different sites.