Earn Free Bit-Coins Playing Lottery 100% Genuine with trick to Increase Chance of Winning
After the previous hike of bit-coins above 1000$ a BTC , bit-coins had gained a lot of popularity in common people world. As, bit-coins are the safest and securest ways to take secret donations, transfer money and are used widely in Hacking and gambling world.
Earn free Bit-coins Playing Lottery
- If You don't have bit-coin address go here to setup bit-coin wallet first [ Setting Up Bit-Coin Wallet ].
- You can earn free bit-coins by playing lottery which consist of selecting 6 random numbers from a list and further providing your BTC wallet address . With every lottery draw there is a chance to earn few coins.
- Currently , the site is spending 2.4 BTC daily in Lottery.
- Visit the Site http://freebitcoinlottery.com
Method to Increase You chance of Winning
- Install this extension for Chrome [ Download From Here ]
- Fill the account details in the extension.
- Now, Open www.freebitcoinlottery.com in new tab and the extension will automatically select numbers and submit you entry. The extension will prompt you whenever it encounters any captcha .
- You can perform your usual work minimizing the browser or using another Tab.