Opera is among the top Web Browsers used on Windows and account for nearly 20% of Web traffic originated from Windows. Opera is early famous for their low data consumption mode Opera Turbo which compress / reduces quality of images downloaded to the Web browser reducing the Bandwidth and data consumption , and also helps in loading sites quickly even on slow networks. For versions 15 and higher Opera has replaced this feature by Opera OFF road Mode.
From version 15 onwards Opera has removed the feature to disable Auto updates which means Opera will automatically download and install updates. Hence, frequent Auto-Updating of Opera created lot of problems of Bandwidth consumption and Usage for limited data users. So, here is the method to disable Auto-Update for Opera.
Opera Web Browser |
Disable Auto Update on Opera 18 and Higher
- To disable Opera Auto Update we are going to delete the file responsible for initiating auto-updates.
- Go to [C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\18.0.1284.68 ] , 18.0.1284.68 is my Opera Version and it may get changes depending upon your currently installed version of opera.
Opera 18 Installation |
- Now here you will find a File [ opera_autoupdate.exe ] this is the file which checks server for updates. Which means if we will delete this , opera will never check for updates. i.e Delete the file opera_autoupdate.exe .
- Now check About Opera to confirm whether Auto-Updates are being disabled or not.
Opera Auto Updates Disabled |