Thursday, January 2, 2014

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Changing Access Privileges of Users to root on Ubuntu Machine / VPS


Giving permanent Root Access to Users on Ubuntu Vps or Machine/ Changing Access privileges of user's to root. 

Using non-root account if you are using your machine/vps for limited number of tasks is always a better practice .Sometimes we need to run few commands with root access , although SUDO can be used their ,But as SUDO moniters, and logs the commands run Its better to escalate the privileges of you user account equal to root account.

Giving User account root privileges on Ubuntu VPS or Machine.

sudoers file ubuntu vps
  • The privilege information for each account on Ubuntu machine/vps was stored on a special sudoers file located at /usr/sbin
  • The sudoers file can't be directly modified. Hence, we need to use visudo command to edit it.
sudo /usr/sbin/visudo
  • Now scroll to the next line of " # user privilege specification " and add the following line after replacing the user-name with your user-name
user-name ALL =(ALL:ALL) ALL
  • Now press [ Ctrl + X ] and type [ Y ] to save.