Dropbox is a cloud storage service where we can store our files to access them remotely. Dropbox provides plug-in support to enhance its functionality. Here 's a list of functions you carry out using Dropbox on the go.
Dropbox Logo |
Stream Music Directly via Web and I-phone
You can directly play music files stored on your Dropbox account via your Web browser using service called Droptunes . Using Droptunes [http://droptun.es] you can play music files stored on your account.
Stream Music from Dropbox |
Droptunes also supports I-Phone application using which you can stream music directly to your device.
Covert Files on the Go
Using another Dropbox plug-in Wappwolf [http://wappwolf.com], you can convert a number of files in different formats on the go stored on your Dropbox account.
File conversion using Dropbox |
Wappwolf supports Pdf Conversion , Audio Conversion , Archiving and a lot of other tasks including Trans-loading of files and Remote URL uploading.
Download torrents with Dropbox
Leeching Torrents with Boxopus using Dropbox |
Another smart plug-in Boxopus [http://www.boxopus.com] can do the task of Torrent caching for you . Check out the complete tutorial on Leeching Torrents using Dropbox. [Leech torrents with Dropbox using Boxopus leecher].