Sunday, January 12, 2014

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Reality of Android Mobile Anti Virus Applications

As Android is the most emerging and used platform for Users and SmartPhone manufacturers. Currently, Play-store is the largest application store in the world hosting over 4 million applications. With the increasing amount of popularity malware and other serious attacks are increasing day by day and according to reports by AV-TEST "They currently receive over 7000 unique Android Malware samples a day, and already received 1.8 million samples till Dec 2013". Hence, its become increasingly important to install some sort of Anti-virus applications to protect personal data being compromised.
Normal Android Applications May contain Malware
Malware Based Installable APK Builds
Don't install applications from Unknown sources as their are chances they are infected builds of original applications or simple a attractive malware application that seems legit.

Paid Antivirus Vs Free Antivirus

  • At least for Android Paid and Free versions have almost same capability to detect malwares. What makes them different is the number of extra security based features present.
  • A paid application may contain certain Application Locking, Call blocking, features which may not be available in Free version.
  • That means, you are secured if you are using Free version of application instead of paid ones.

How Secure You really are 

Let me explain a few things regarding Android based Antivirus applications. They totally work in a different manner if compared with windows based Antivirus applicationsWindows based Antivirus have capability to Detect , Quarantine and Delete the infected file while Android based Antivirus can only detect and notify you about infected applications and at max can sandbox them to save user. If you want to protect yourself completely you need to delete the infected application by yourself [Identify the name and Uninstall it from Application Manager].

If Antivirus notifies you about a malware infected application and you have't uninstalled it . The application will keep doing its work even if anti-virus is present.

Which Antivirus to trust.

AV-TEST releases its test result every month for all Android Antivirus applications both Free and Paid. You can check the result and find the best one that suits you.
Apart, you can check out our TOP 5 Trusted Android Antivirus Application 2014 list and install one.